08 July 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (8 July 2024)



  • The Presidency issued a media statement on the process of giving practical effect to the 14 June 2024 Government of National Unity (GNU) Statement of Intent. To that end:
    • the manifestos of parties to the GNU are already being analysed by government’s forum of directors-general
    • this analysis will inform proposals for a programme of action, which will take the form of a medium-term strategic framework (MTSF)
    • the proposed MTSF will be considered for adoption at a Cabinet lekgotla scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2024
    • the adopted MTSF will then be announced by the President at the opening of Parliament on 18th July 2024
    • informed by the MSTF, each national department will develop a strategic plan and annual performance plan for implementation, and
    • these plans will then be submitted to Parliament and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, informing the oversight role for which each National Assembly committee is responsible.



  • Parliament issued a media statement on the National Assembly’s reconfigured committees, which have been increased from 26 to 30 to accommodate new portfolios in the GNU. The four new committees will deal with:
    • agriculture (previously under the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Committee)
    • correctional services (previously under the National Assembly’s Justice and Correctional Services Committee)
    • energy and electricity (previously under the National Assembly’s Mineral Resources and Energy Committee) (mineral resources now fall under the National Assembly Committee on Mineral and Petroleum Resources), and
    • science, technology and innovation (previously under the National Assembly’s Higher Education, Science and Innovation Committee).



  • The South African Law Reform Commission called for public comments on a discussion document published as the next step in its review of colonial and apartheid-era legislation. Informed by input received on an October 2023 issue paper, the discussion document:
    • focuses on laws impacting adversely on expressive rights, and
    • includes a draft General Laws Amendment Bill.
  • According to the document, a Conspiracy, Instigation and Incitement to Commit Offence Bill is expected to be introduced in Parliament soon with the intention of repealing remaining provisions in the Riotous Assemblies Act, 1956.



  • National Treasury issued a media statement on progress made in addressing deficiencies in South Africa’s anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing regime identified in February 2023 by the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The statement unpacked a report considered at the FATF’s June 2024 plenary. According to the statement:
    • three more of the 22 mutually agreed action plan items have been ‘largely addressed’
    • in terms of the plan itself, the remaining 14 items are scheduled to have been addressed by the end of January 2025 in anticipation of a FATF plenary the following month
    • should the plenary be satisfied that all 22 action items have been fully or largely addressed, a FATF ‘joint group’ will conduct a site visit to confirm this and recommend South Africa’s removal from the grey list, but
    • should things not go according to plan, the four-monthly cycle of reporting to the FATF will continue until all 22 deficiencies have been remedied.



  • The Financial Services Ombud Council issued a Government Gazette notice drawing attention to new rules on compliance with the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002, along with a statement of need and consultation report. Now in force, the new rules:
    • replace those published in 2003
    • ‘create clearer consequences’ for non-compliance with the Act
    • allow the ombud more flexibility in resolving complaints where one of the parties concerned does not co-operate, and
    • enable the ombud to award as much as R3.5m in compensation for financial prejudice or damage.



  • The Rules Board for Courts of Law called for public comments on:
    • draft rules proposing High Court procedures for dealing with:
      • a Magistrates’ Courts bail appeal by the accused, and
      • a Magistrates’ Courts bail appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions, and
    • a draft amendment to the Magistrates’ Courts rules on pleadings.



  • The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) gazetted amendments to a section in the March 2022 broadband regulations prescribing pro-competitive terms and conditions. Immediately effective, the amendments:
    •  require operators with significant market power to publish on their websites ‘non-confidential versions’ of certain documents, records and accounts deemed confidential in terms of section 4D of the ICASA Act, 2000
    • delete sub-regulations:
      • 7(d) (access point names and mobile virtual network operators), and
      • 7(g) (wholesale and retail price monitoring), and
    • substitute sub-regulations 7(h)(iii) and 7(h)(v) with new reporting requirements on requests for wholesale site infrastructure access.


Prepared by Pam Saxby


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